Leadership Development

What makes a leader great? And what type of leader is best for your business? Digging deeper into the questions and answers are crucial to any organisation.

Leadership and cultural transformation are critical to improving the performance of an organisation. We cannot change the culture of an organisation unless we are willing to explore and transform our own behaviours. Changing the way leaders work in teams to respond to increasingly complex challenges expands potential, raises accountability and creates shifts in perspective, possibility and performance.

OpenMinds works with individuals and organisations to assess their leadership needs and to develop tailor-made workshops. Contact me to discuss your leadership development needs.

I’m certified in the use of the Leadership Circle Profile™ and Leadership Culture Survey™. This suite of tools is highly effective in creating dialogues and in building consensus for change.

The Leadership Culture Survey™

(TLCS) delivers a powerful “litmus” test of your leadership culture. Used for your entire organization, or just a leadership team, TLCS reveals valuable data:
It tells you how your people view their current leadership culture, and compares that reality to the optimal culture they desire. The “gap” between data on their current culture and their desired culture instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development.

In addition, The Leadership Culture Survey measures how your leadership culture compares to that of other organisations. TLCS is quick, very affordable, web based, and user friendly.

The Leadership Circle Profile™

(LCP) is the only 360-degree competency assessment that simultaneously provides focused competency feedback while revealing the underlying assumptions that impact a leader’s pattern of strengths and limitations. The LCP helps leaders understand the relationship between how they habitually think and how they behave—and how all this impacts their current level of leadership effectiveness. Once this awareness is established, leadership development can proceed. Without it, change rarely happens.

Leaders are supported in optimising the impact of their new-found awareness through a package of coaching sessions.

Example Leadership Circle Profile

The Leadership Culture Survey™ works seamlessly with The Leadership Circle Profile™ 360° Assessment. The survey uses the same integral framework that makes The Leadership Circle Profile so powerful and effective.

Email me today at louise@openminds.ch or call +41 786193795 to learn more about your Leadership Development options.